
The main idea with Pssst!-platform was to help companies to recruit new candidates through word-of-mouth marketing and by using reference links. A reference link is basically a job post that anyone could send to their contact. If the referenced person gets hired then the person who referred his or her contact would get a bounty of a few thousand euros.

Furthermore, these references could be linked together in order to make reference link chains. The idea in the reference link chains was that people could just pass on the job posts to their contacts and create tree-like searching structures in social networks. Last and second last participant in the reference chain would have earned a reward if the company makes a new hire. For a second last person the bounty would have been 500€ and for the last person the bounty would have been a few thousand euros.

Basically the idea was to upgrade companies’ inside recruitment systems.


Recruitment platform with a map and the ability for creating references.